16 Mar 2010

I have been a bit slack here abouts...

Recently, a ot of time has been spent making characters and sets for Raiders of Noahs Ark, so there has been little time to post here. I am hoping to rectify this, this week hopefully. So watch this space!
Also, thanks to all you new guys following me! Ha!
As a reward, heres some work for a possible new film called Edambusters - some sort of war film about cheese?
This is Brie Roqueforte, a member of the French Resistance in the small town of Boursin:


  1. 10/10 for the names, I love it. Will Brie be assisted by a Gouda Camembert? :P

  2. Thanks! There's a few other characters, possibly some Americans called Rick Otter and 'Red' Lester.
    Oh and there's Hal Loumi. I think he might be the token Jewish person in the platoon.
