24 Mar 2009


Been doing some thinking about what my 'final piece' could be.
The last verse of Desolation Row is:
Yes, I received your letter yesterday
(About the time the door knob broke)
When you asked how I was doing
Was that some kind of joke?
All these people that you mention
Yes, I know them, they're quite lame
I had to rearrange their faces
And give them all another name
Right now I can't read too good
Don't send me no more letters no
Not unless you mail them
From Desolation Row

This could be interpreted as everything that has happened in the song has been told to the singer through letters. Therefore I could make an image for each verse and put them all in envelopes along with a letter containing the words of the relevant verse.
Another idea I had was based on one of my rough assembly sketches I knocked up. My use of one point perspective made me think of old paper theatres and 'peep shows'. I think this could be a really good way of showing the song in a new and interesting way. I have a tutorial tomorrow so I'll see what my tutor says. Only problem is, I'm not too sure I want to do this song. I like it a lot, but the problem is I don't think I have explored the subject enough really...

My rough

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